Dragonflies Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Dragonflies Program, I will ensure to abide by the following:

1. I will not attempt to record, electronically or otherwise, the audio or video of any course sessions in part or in full.

2. I will not share links to the class, class recordings, or course materials with unregistered students.

3. I will respect the instructor and other members of the class by using respectful language, behavior and avoiding disruptions to the class.

4. I will protect the privacy of our female instructors by viewing the class in such a way that it is not readily viewed by male household members.

5. I agree to attend all classes fully dressed, as I would attend an in-person class.

6. I agree to the "Video On" policy which states: all videos must be on and the Instructor should be able to see everyone's faces.

7. I recognize these courses are meant for boys and girls ages 6-12 years old.  

8. I will not engage in any activities that will dishonestly improve my results or dishonestly improve/hurt the results of others. All work I submit will be my own and I will clearly cite any material taken from other sources.

9. I understand the registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable to other students or other terms.

10. I agree all content from Dragonflies classes, workshops, and seminars is the intellectual property of Rabata and cannot be re-taught, re-purposed, or utilized in personal, local, or online teaching platforms without written consent.

11. I understand that failure to comply with any of the above may lead to removal from the program without a refund.