Class Curriculum

An 8-week class developed by Rabata focusing on spiritual development for youth, covering belief, character development, and value systems. The class is taught by one of Rabata’s certified instructors in a fun and engaging environment.

Students will learn about: 

  • The spiritual heart, this life, and the hereafter 
  • Doing good deeds and connection to Allah 
  • Reflecting upon the Qur’an and Sunnah 
  • Virtues of ibadah, ihsan, and hikma 
  • Right and wrong actions 

*Each term, students will engage with new content and topics

Globe Skimmers: Girls 12-years old

  • Understanding the beginning of revelation

  • How the earth prepared for the arrival of the Prophet ﷺ?

  • How was the Prophet ﷺ special?

  • How did revelation start?

  • What was the first dawah stage? What was the wisdom of this stage?

  • What was the second dawah stage? What are some important events of this stage?

  • What was the hijra?

Class Day & Time

Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm CST

Session Dates: September 24 - November 12

Please note: 

1. This class is designed for girls who are currently 12 years old. 

2. For the privacy and protection of all our students, classes are NOT recorded. Students must attend live sessions. 

3. Program Policy: Once the session begins, NO refunds are allowed.


Certificate of Participation

A certificate of participation will be given to students who complete the class.

This class meets once a week for one hour.


Anse Fadiyah Mian is a mother of four, a tajwid instructor, and an educator. She leads the Masjid Rabata programs as its Imam. Anse Fadiyah embarked on the journey of a lifetime over twenty years ago to study Islamic sciences in the blessed city of Damascus. She completed her training in tajwid and received her ijaza from the late Shaykh Muhyi-al-Din al-Kurdi. It was during this transformational time in Damascus that Anse Fadiyah also met Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray and studied under her and other female scholars. Anse Fadiyah is part of the first alumni cohort at the Ribaat Academic Institute who graduated in 2020. She also received an ijaza in the 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi. She is an enthusiastic teacher for the Rabata Dragonflies and RabaTEENS youth programs. Anse Fadiyah also leads women’s halaqat and volunteers as the Rabata New Jersey chapter lead.

Anse Fadiyah Mian